Professor Jose Serra visited the State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces (PCOSS) at Xiamen University on April 2024.
The State Key Lab of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces is a premier research institution in China. During his visit, Professor Serra engaged with leading researchers and students, sharing insights from his extensive research on solid-state chemistry and catalysis. The visit also included discussions on potential collaborative projects and exchange programs between Xiamen University and Professor Serra's home institution. Both parties expressed enthusiasm for future joint research initiatives aimed at addressing global challenges in energy and environmental sustainability.
The eCOCO2 project culminates in Brussels with the final review meeting in January 2024
The culmination of four years and six months of dedicated effort came to a successful conclusion in January 2024, when the eCOCO2 project final review meeting was held in Brussels for evaluation by the European Commission. Attended by all Work Package (WP) Leaders, the comprehensive review highlighted the significant progress made, the results achieved and the far-reaching impacts achieved throughout the duration of the project. Throughout the presentations, the focus was on assessing the final achievements of the project and underlining its importance in the field of CO2 conversion technologies.
In addition, the meeting served as a forum for constructive dialogue between the partners and the European Commission on the future development of eCOCO2 and post-project activities. Discussions extended to identifying further needs in this field, paving the way for possible future efforts to further develop CO2 conversion technologies.
In conclusion, this final meeting marked not only the end of a project but also a renewed commitment to a greener and more sustainable future.
The Energy Conversion and Storage group leader Jose Serra, together with Laura Almar and Ana María García, eCOCO2 H2020 project coordinators, attended the "Public perception and business models joint event" that was held in CINEA Brussels.
14th November, 2023
"ITQ (UPV-CSIC) Joins Crucial Discussions at the "Public Perception and Business Models Joint Event" in Brussels on November 14, 2023"
On November 14th, 2023, the "Public perception and business models joint event" was held in Brussels, which was organized by four Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) & Alternative Fuels Horizon 2020/Horizon Europe CLUSTER projects, namely eCOCO2 (ITQ project), CLEANKER, CaLby2030 and HERCCULES. The event was attended by more than 20 CCUS projects and was supported by CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency.
The aim of the event was to address the importance of public perception and business models in innovative technologies and to guide the decision-making of policymakers, both at the national and European Commission levels. The importance of addressing these aspects has been underlined by the increasing emphasis on many Horizon calls, which require a holistic approach to technology development within projects.
The workshop brought together more than 50 key stakeholders, including industry experts, project representatives, investors, and policymakers, from various technical projects. This provided an excellent networking opportunity for policymakers, building relationships with industry experts, project representatives, investors, and policymakers, thus facilitating collaboration, knowledge sharing, and future partnerships. With more than 20 Horizon projects selected, the workshop represented a unique opportunity to significantly impact both the activities of ongoing projects and the design of new projects at a higher TRL level (close to commercial scale).
Jesús Ara, Andrés Lopez and María Valls, awarded with the "Best Oral and Poster Presentations" of the Autumn School 2023
26th October, 2023
Jesús Ara and Andrés López García, PhD students of the ECS Group (CSIC),
were awarded with the "Best Oral presentation" by the Scientific Committee of the 2023 Autumn School, held in Instituto de Tecnología Química de València (Spain).
The awards were delivered for their respective contributions: "Fluid-dynamic analysis of propane dehydrogenation in a catalytic planar proton conducting reactor" and "Electrode functionalization via exsolution of ternary-alloyed metal nanoparticles for CO2 electrolysis". María Valls, PhD student of the ECS Group, was awarded with the "Best Poster presentation".
The "Public perception and business models joint event"
will take place on 14th November, 2023 in Brussels
The joint event, organised by the Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) & Alternative Fuels Horizon 2020/Horizon Europe CLUSTER projects eCOCO2, CLEANKER, CaLby2030 and HERCCULES, will bring together more than 20 projects on CCUS. This event is supported by CINEA – European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency.
Public perception and business models are key to enabling innovative technologies, guiding the decisions of the policymakers at national and European Commission levels. In addition, more and more Horizon calls require these two aspects to be dealt with in relation to the technology that will be developed in the project.
With more than 20 selected Horizon projects and more than 50 key stakeholders involved in the audience, this joint workshop represents a unique opportunity to strongly impact both on the activities still to be implemented by the ongoing projects and the design of new projects at higher TRL (close to commercial scale). Bringing together stakeholders from various technical projects will provide an excellent networking opportunity for policymakers, building relationships with industry experts, project representatives, investors and policy makers, thus facilitating collaboration, knowledge sharing, and future partnerships.
Register here!
Download Agenda
The Autumn School "Inorganic electrochemical reactors for sustainable chemicals, fuels and power production" will take place in Valencia on the 24-26th October 2023.
This event is sponsored by the European Projects eCOCO2, WINNER, PROTOSTACK, SUSTAINCELL and SINGLE. It aims to create an international exchange and learning forum for scholars interested in learning more about these technologies.
The program reflects the research and development work on the projects’ sustainable technologies and will be further extended to other applications where inorganic electrochemical reactors offer new technological pathways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve efficiency. The goal is to provide tutorial lectures to give insights into the design, fabrication, characterisation, testing and modelling of materials, components, cells and stacks. Furthermore, the Autumn School will address the up-scaling of the technologies with a strong emphasis on sustainability.
Abstract submission for poster and oral presentations for students is open until 31st July 2023.
More info and registration on the website:
eCOCO2 Plenary Meeting at CEMEX, Alicante
25th and 26th April, 2023
All the partners of the H2020 eCOCO2 project
met on April 25 and 26th in the plenary meeting of month 48.
It was held at the CEMEX plant in Alicante.
Many thanks for your commitment and fruitful participation!
RTVE interview to eCOCO2 colleagues
24th March, 2023
Jose Serra, Sonia Escolástico and Agustín Martínez talked about the importance of the synthetic fuels in an interview made by RTVE.
(Spanish Interview):
Day of Women and Girls in Science Talks
11th February, 2023
The 11th February was declared by the UN in 2015 as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a citizen initiative whose objective is to promote the organization of activities aiming:
• Make visible the work of women who are dedicated to STEM areas (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), thus creating female references for children who can contribute to the choice of these areas as professional careers.
• Know the different factors that affect the current situation of women in STEM areas to promote practices that lead to their elimination and achieve gender equality in the scientific field.
Laura Almar and Candela Segarra from the ITQ-CSIC participated with talks and activities carried out in various educational centers in the Valencian Community.
Jose Serra interviewed in the series "Entrevistas conCiencia"
16th December, 2022
Jose M.Serra has been interviewed by Casa de la Ciència-CSIC Valencia, that is conducting a series of interviews with research, technical and contracted staff from different calls who carry out their work in the CSIC centers in the Comunitat Valenciana.
He has highlighted our project eCOCO2.
You can watch the complete interview (spanish) here:
The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCU - CCS) and alternative fuels online workshop took place online on 15-16th December.
CCU, CCS and alternative fuels have a significant potential to achieve important societal goals such as mitigating GHG emissions or even reaching negative GHG emissions. To demonstrate that emerging CCU, CCS and alternative fuels technologies could contribute to obtaining such goals, LCA has become the most widely accepted methodology.
The workshop will also include a parallel session on MIRO (an online collaborative whiteboard platform) where the major issues emerging in LCA of CCU and CCS will be discussed and possible solutions will be proposed. The workshop target LCA practitioners with relevant experience in the field.
A plenary meeting of eCOCO2 took place in Oslo, hosted by SINTEF, on the 28-29th November 2022.
Goals of the first day included presentation of the WPs current status, ongoing activities, status of deliverables, milestones and critical risks. On the second day the Steering Committee meeting took place.
We would like to thank all partners
for their efforts and proactivity!
In the frame of our project eCOCO2, the ITQ has organized and hosted the workshop H2 and Proton Conducting Technologies, on the 4th October 2022.
This event started with the welcome session by Prof. J. M. Serra, project coordinator. It was followed by two plenary talks by colleagues from Kyushu University in Japan, who also collaborate in eCOCO2. First, Prof, Matsumoto with an overview of SOFC and SOEC with proton-conducting oxides, followed by Prof. Leonard with a talk on the development of highly efficient proton ceramic electrolyzers. The workshop finished with two keynote talks by Prof. Catalá, from ITACA (UPV), with a presentation on “Microwave-driven direct production of H2 and chemical energy-carriers”, and last Dr. Escolástico, with a talk on “Direct electrocatalytic CO2 reduction in a tubular protonic membrane reactor”.
Jose Serra presented "A glimpse of new generation PtX technologies" at the World Power-to-X Summit in Marrakesh
The World PtX Summit is organized in a joint effort between the Moroccan Research Institute for Solar Energy and New Energies (IRESEN) and the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), aiming towards the creation of a regional platform, dedicated to Green Hydrogen and its applications within the whole “Power-To-X” (PtX) economy.
This platform triggers high-level discussions and partnerships for a new clean energy era, enabled by the Green Hydrogen opportunities.
The World Power-to-X Summit is a must-attend event to witness the
start of a new clean energy era based on green hydrogen and clean fuels. A cross road for policy-makers, industry leaders, research experts and global innovators to discuss PtX opportunities and challenges.
For more information about the event, please visit:
Imanol et al. presented their resutls at the EHEC 2022 Conference
Imanol Quina, PhD student from ITQ (CSIC), participated at the European Hydrogen Energy Conference 2022, Europe's conference of reference in the field of hydrogen energy, that was held in Madrid on May 18-20th. The presentation "Performance evaluation and modelling of electrocathalytic CO2 reduction in a tubular protonic membrane reactor" is related to the work developed in WP4.
Congratulations for your work and oral contribution!
Colleagues from CSIC participated at Pint of Science 2022 festival
Colleagues from CSIC (Aitor, Fidel, Laura N., Alfonso and Marwan) participated at Pint of Science 2022 in Valencia and co-organised by the ITQ. The international Science Festival invites the most cutting-edge researchers to share their knowledge with you in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
Thank you to all for sharing your research with us also at the bar!!
Interview to Jose Serra: "Most fuel and aviation companies are focusing on the use of CO₂"
The Project Coordinator Jose M. Serra Alfaro talks about the role of e-fuels as one more alternative to decarbonize transport and how their production can be a boost for the development of the Spanish industry in an interview offered by Cinco Días.
You can read the news if you click this LINK (spanish)
Elena Barrio Querol, Master student supervised by Laura Almar (CSIC), has been awarded with the 2021 ERCROS - Aragon Hydrogen Foundation Prize
Elena Barrio Querol current Master student in our group has been awarded for her work "Design and optimization of electrodes for a co-ionic membrane reactor", of the 2021 ERCROS Award - Aragón Hydrogen Foundation for the best Bachelor Thesis in the 2nd Announcement of the Aragón Hydrogen Foundation Awards. The work has been done within the frame of the project eCOCO2. Congratulations!
On November 24-25th most of the partners came together for a hybrid (physical and online) plenary meeting at the Shell Technology Centre in Amsterdam.
The partners appreciated to meet again and enjoyed the face-to-face interactions hindered for many months due to the pandemic. The partners discussed the status of the project and gained understanding about the key activities beyond month M31. Our partners from Shell hosted a great programme and very pleasant stay.
eCOCO2 project was selected to be presented as outstanding value H2020 project that already helps to deliver the European Green Deal objectives and climate neutrality.
The event EU Green Deal - Research and Innovation as a driver towards Climate Neutrality is a two-day event in Expo 2020 Dubai (3-4 October 2021) and it aims to highlight the EU’s excellence in research and innovation as a tool towards climate neutrality and sustainability, and the EU’s ambition of cooperating with partners toward the achievement of this global goal.
The event is organized by the European Commission, and it is hosted at the Sweden Pavilion, Expo 2020 Dubai. The event will host a high-level workshop on October 4 and a dedicated EU projects’ Networking Village during October 3-4 2021. The high-level workshop is organised as a hybrid event.
We are pleased to announce the interactive webinar of eCOCO2 "From CO2 into fuels: A scientific, industrial, social and political perspective" that will take place online (via MS Teams) on June 7th and 8th 2021 from 9:00 to 12:00.
Full agenda, presentations and confirmed speakers are available:
Free registration is required at the link:
If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We are looking forward to your participation!
Kind regards,
The eCOCO2 Team
Prof. Jose M. Serra Alfaro offers a research scholarship for Master Students with a high level of academic performance:
Duration: 6 months from 01/09/2021 to 15/07/2022.
Place: Instituto de Tecnología Química ITQ (UPV-CSIC), Valencia, Spain.
Scholarship: 600 euros/month (20 hours per week).
Code: JAEIntro-2021-ITQ-05. Desarrollo de electrodos para la conversión selectiva de CO2.
All information available on:
Within the eCOCO2 project we are aware that for the CO2-based fuels we develop to become successful, it does not suffice to only consider the product’s technical development. Instead, one of the aspects we also consider is the product’s social acceptance and the requirements for socially acceptable CO2-based fuels.
The project partner researching social acceptance is the Chair of communication science at the Human-Computer Interaction Center from RWTH Aachen University, Germany. To inform the public and scientific audience on why it is important to consider an innovation’s acceptance, as well as how this is studied, they made a series of #5 SHORT VIDEOS on the topic.
If you have half an hour of spare time and would like to broaden your knowledge, feel free to take a look!
Our colleague María Balaguer from ITQ (CSIC-UPV) responds.
Click here or at the image to watch it!
(Spanish video)
Online on 16-17th February 2021;
organized by Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and other H2020 projects.
Webpage of the workshop:
At the homepage there is also the registration link.
People that already registered in Eventbright should NOT REGISTER here, we already moved all registrations in the system.
We're proud of the new publication of Linda Verena Engelmann et al. from RWTH Aachen University.
The acceptance of emerging sustainable technologies can be a decisive criterion for success. CO2-based fuels, as a product approached with the eCOCO2 conversion technology, are no exception.
We know that acceptance is influenced by a variety of factors, such as perceptions of risks and benefits – which is why in this publication laypeople’s perceptions regarding toxic effects of CO2-based fuels were investigated as an aspect of risk assessment.
Online on 27-28th October 2020.
The eCOCO2 Plenary Project Meeting by month 18 successully took place the last two days. High level presentations of all WPs, fruitul discussions
and inspiring ideas with much more to come…
Thank you very much TEAM for your meaningful virtual interactions!
Online on 18th September 2020;
organized by INEA.
The meeting took place with live interaction of CO2 utilization and CO2 alternative fuel projects. Many sinergies and cross-exchange activities and ideas have been further identified and defined.
Do you understand what we scientists do in eCOCO2?
Help us to improve the comprehensibility of our research by taking part in our short survey.
Please use the following link to participate or share the survey created by our partners from RWTH in Aachen:
Several topics of the workpackages WP4, WP5 and WP6 were discussed. The participants worked together in eCOCO2 technology limitations and CO2 stream specifications.
The answers and common understanding was captured in our Staircase Approach...
eCOCO2 Project Plenary took place in Aachen (Germany) from 28th to 29th November 2019, hosted by RWTH Aachen University.
During the first meeting day, eCOCO2 partners presented and updated the main results achieved during the first half project year. In the afternoon, a talk and interesting discussion with Prof. Wessling took place.
The second meeting day started with a visit to the test stands of the Fuel Science Center (FSC) and FSC-Seminar. The final event included parallel workshops where the partners had the opportunity to discuss and defined further steps.
en Móstoles, Madrid.
La 3ª edición del congreso organizada por la Plataforma Tecnológica Española del CO2, PTECO2 y la Plataforma Tecnológica y de Innovación Española de Química Sostenible, SusChem-España, ha reunido en Repsol Technology Lab a organizaciones líderes en sus sectores para dar a conocer y analizar las últimas experiencias y resultados de los proyectos más innovadores sobre usos y transformación del CO2 en España y en otros países.
El coordinador del proyecto tuvo la oportunidad de presentar nuestro proyecto.
Más información
Nota de prensa
and visit MSW treatment plant.
On 30/09 and 01/10/2019, the partners of WPs 6 and 7 met in Barcelona making a big step forward with their tasks and coordination.
The industrial partners Shell, Cemex, ArcelorMittal and HERA presented their cases of study and define further actions heading towards the same objective. Our partner from RWTH Aachen shows a potential acceptance methodology to be followed.
On the second meeting day, a visit to the municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment plant in CTR Vallès Occidental and biogas capture, conditioning and valorization installations was possible by the nice organization of the HERA team!
at INEA, Brussels.
The Project Coordinator presented eCOCO2 at the 4th Workshop of H2020 Carbon Capture Storage/Use (CCS/CCU) and Alternative Fuels projects.
The workshop organized by the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) aimed to bring together H2020 projects from the same field, identify synergies, define joint actions and provide a platform for discussion and networking.
on 16/07/2019 at ITQ (UPV-CSIC)
The Project Coordinator organises an interesting workshop next week at ITQ (UPV-CSIC) in Valencia, Spain. Prof. Jong Hoon Joo (Chungbuk National University, South Korea) will give an invited talk about dual-phase membranes.
at ITQ (UPV-CSIC) in Valencia, Spain
We are looking for a pre-doctoral candidate in advanced catalysis and electrochemistry!
More info
Excellent participation and interesting discussions as a start point for this project!
Valencia hosted on 21-22 May, the Kick-off meeting of the new European project, eCOCO2. eCOCO2 is a research project funded by Horizon2020 EU Research and Innovation programme.
The Agenda led by the Project Coordinator Jose M. Serra (CSIC) included the partners´ & Advisory Board (AB) members´ presentations, H2020 rules and reporting aspects, WPs objectives and parallel work groups defining quantifiable plans and goals.
On May 1st the eCOCO2 project started!
The project will run over four years and 12 partners from 8 countries constitute the consortium led by Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). The consortium will work together aiming to set-up a technology for conversion of CO2, using renewable electricity and water steam, to carbon-neutral synthetic liquid fuels for their use as transport fuel, and in particular as jet fuel, at high energy efficiency, very high CO2 conversion rate and moderate-to-low cost.
The eCOCO2 project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 838077.
Fact and figures
Full project name: Direct electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 into chemical energy carriers in a co-ionic membrane reactor
Project acronym: eCOCO2
Duration: 48 months
Start date: 01/05/2019
Total budget: 4.4 M€
EC funding: 3.9 M€
The eCOCO2 (Direct electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 into chemical energy carriers in a co-ionic membrane reactor) kick-off meeting will be held on May 21th-22nd 2019, at UPV in Valencia (Spain).
The meeting will be attended by representative of all project partners, members of the advisory board and by a representative of the European Commission (EC). The consortium comprises reference international research and academic centers and leader European companies.
PyeongChang, Korea from June 16 to 21, 2019
The 22nd International Conference on Solid State Ionics (SSI-22) will be held in PyeongChang, Korea from June 16 to 21, 2019. The SSI-22 is a reference conference covering all classic and emerging topics related to Solid State Ionics such as fuel cells, batteries, sensors, electronics and biological systems.
Prof. Truls Norby (University of Oslo, Norway) is a member of the International Advisory Board and Invited Speaker. The Project Coordinator Jose M. Serra (ITQ, CSIC-UPV, Spain) participates as Keynote Speaker as well.
More info: