Co-ionic Electrolyte
Design of a dense electrolyte with adequate co-ionic H+/O2- conductivity to adjust the hydrogen injection and the extraction of oxygen to/from the reaction chamber at the needed proportion.
Set-up a technology for conversion of CO2, using renewable electricity and water steam, to carbon-neutral synthetic liquid fuels for their use as transport fuel, and in particular as jet fuel, at high energy efficiency, very high CO2 conversion rate and moderate-to-low cost.
Design of a dense electrolyte with adequate co-ionic H+/O2- conductivity to adjust the hydrogen injection and the extraction of oxygen to/from the reaction chamber at the needed proportion.
Design and optimise the electrodes, by adjusting composition and microstructure, to reach active and selective operation use within the electrochemical reactor.
Optimisation of hybrid catalysts, based on tailored single metallic/carbide sites and zeolites, for the in-situ reduction of CO2 to jet fuel hydrocarbon fractions in a three-stage mechanism.
Adapt already stablished solid co-sintering manufacturing protocols to the new materials used for the electrolyte and electrodes. Validate application of microwave sintering for the process.
Demostrate 500W multi-tube reactor, integrating several tubular reactors composed by electrochemical cells manufactured and structured catalyst, under operating conditions (350°C-450°C and >25 bar).
Identify and analyse industrial processes in carbon-intensive sector most suitable for integration of eCOCO2, regarding economic, environmental, societal and geo-politic criteria.
Assess, model and predict the societal perception and acceptance of the technology developed as well as the synthetic fuels obtained from its application. Contribute with guidelines and strategies for public communication, to improve awareness and acceptance of carbon conversion technologies in general, and in particular the eCOCO2 technology and its products.